

Visit Eugene Kerekere's studio, storeroom

productions. I still remember when he was young and his parents were very worried about him after he dropped out of USP (University of the South Pacific). I would like to wholeheartedly support him in realising his dream despite all the difficulties he faced. He is now a well-known photographer and designer in Solomon. I love this kind of work too, so we got talking.

He said he would like to take my photographs.  I am embarrassed to be a model, because usually I am  on the side of taking photos. He took beautiful photos of me and I retouched it to hide my embarrassment.

ユージン・ケレケレのスタジオ、storeroom productions を訪ねる。若かった彼がUSP(南太平洋大学)を中退し、彼の両親がとても心配していたころのことを思い出す。さまざまな困難の中で夢を実現した彼を、私は心から応援したい。今やソロモンでも有名な写真家でありデザイナーである。私もこういうのが大好きだから話が弾む。


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